Campione! Wiki

Authorities are the divine powers, attributes, qualities, and weapons of gods, heroes, demons, and monsters, which make them invincible to normal humans. If a Heretic God is slain, their Authorities will be stolen by the humans, transforming them into a godslayer.


Little is truly known about Authorities, but beyond that, they are the Magic of the gods, far surpassing mortal magics, and are what gave them their right to rule. What is known is that the particular Authorities of a god are shaped by the myths and legends that give birth to them, and reflect that god's history.

All Authorities appear to have incantations that can be used to call upon part of or their full power. This incantation does not appear to always need to be said, as in the case of the Ram which is triggered while Godou is near death and often nearly unconscious, but reciting it will seemingly aid in the power's use. When a Campione steals an Authority, the words of the incantation seem to come with it. These incantations, or [Spell Words of Authority] seem to be prayers or invocations offered to the god whom the Authority was stolen from, possibly from the specific god's worship or the myths and legends they came from. The incantation can be something else not related to the gods, however it must relate to authority's power. Rokuhara Ren can use key phrases that he remembers from his childhood show to trigger Nemesis's godspeed.


Heretic god and godslayer may share the same authority, but their usage can be different from each other almost completely. Godou and Veretharagna's [Ten incarnations] only vaguely resemble each other in some aspects. When usurped, Authority will reshape itself to match the godslayer's personality and character theme. Nuada's shining sword is transformed into Doni's silver arm.

If a godslayer gains multiple authorities from a single god. These authorities will be combined into one authority while losing some qualities and gaining conditions and time limits. This can be attributed to the fact that the godslayer is still a mortal, hence they can't fully handle multiple authorities being crammed into their body without any modification to better suit their bodies first. An authority with multiple forms is considered one power, so a seal meant for one ability is effective against this type of authority.


Authority is extremely flexible when used. Godslayer can its power in many different ways as long as it fits the initial concept. Doni's authority changes anything that he touches into all-cutting sword, this doesn't limit to a sword, even ground or asteroid can be changed into magic sword. He can even reawaken its magic and remotely control it from afar. Ren's [Retribution of Nemesis] are based on punishing his enemy in a various form of karmic retribution ranging from reflect enemy attack to raising an army of the dead. However, If his target performs good deeds, Ren can also grant them a reward as an equivalent exchange for their goodness. He can even perform a resurrection through this authority.

Conditions and Limitations[]

Godou's [Ten incarnations] and Annie's [Metamorphosis] have conditions and limitations of how much they can be used. It is possible to shorten the authority's regeneration time by constantly using it, but requirements can't be removed entirely. Godou's authority doesn't lose its activation conditions despite owning it for more than a decade. Although, Authority that has simpler functions isn't limited by requirements or time limits

The only know authority that overcome its limitation is Doni's [Ripping arm the silver]. Formerly, Doni's silver arm needs to grab on to something to unleash its potential. Now, he doesn't needsany conduits for his power to work anymore, Doni can directly enhance his own arm into an invincible magic sword.

Manifiesting Avatar[]

Some Authorities, for various reasons, allow the user to do something called Manifesting an Avatar.  This appears to cause the Campione's body to transform in some way, in order to better use the Authority.  An example of this is Black Prince Alec's Authority [Black Lightning].  When used in excess, it has a side effect of disrupting Alec's perception of time.  By Manifesting an Avatar, Alec is able to prevent the side effects. Alec's usage of this method is extremely advance to the point that he can turn only parts of his limbs into lightning, reaping a benefits from his lightning form while retaining his human body. Voban can control how his physical body will be influenced by his authority as his form can range from werewolf to a full-fleddge giant wolf.

Evolution and changes[]

When authority is exerted to its extreme limit or forced to be rampaged. It might have caused an authority to change permanently. Aisha's portal lost its original fucntion after its power was forcefully changed from bi-directional time machine to an interdimesional gate between parallel world. This action has a lasting impact on her authority, permanently reshaped it into an ability to enter a parallel world based on several mythologies.

A scenario unique to sanctuary Hypeborea called [Hero's journey] can increase authority's power. Recreating a death and ressurection of a heroic figures, if an individual with powers reaches underworld in this world, he or she will be killed and reborn into an even more powerful individual. Rokuhara Ren's body and authority become even stronger after he returned from the dead. However, this process is extremely risky and the target might permanently die.


A certain authority will damage the users when they're being used. For example, godspeed users will experience a pain, nausea or even paralysis when they overuse this ability. If the godslayer tries to force or break the limitation set by their authority. The user will suffer a great penalty to their body, Godou experiences a severe headache when he forcefully used two incarnations at once.

A normal human can't use the authority or their body will be destroyed from inside out, because they lack a sufficient spiritual power and powerful physical body to handle the full might of a divine power.

Will of the authority[]

While it is unclear whether authority usurped by godslayers possess a will of its own or not. Rokuhara Ren's final usage of his authority suggest that it might have some sort of sentinece. It allows Ren to use the power of retribution for one last time after he sincerely express his willingness to part ways with it. The narrative suggest that this might be the whim or love of Nemesis toward Ren, so it is possible that goddess dying will exsist within his power.


Majority of the godslayers don't name their authority. The title of the authority are crowned by Witenagemot when they compile or update informations about godslayer's powers. They usually call their power with a simple name such as [Wolf], [Storm] or [Ten incarnations]. Some might adopt the name granted by Witenagemot such as [Black lightning].

There's also an exception like Luo Hao, since she grants an individual name to every single on of her power. Lu Yinghua states that she would be extremely enraged if she learns that other mages dare to name her powers. Voban briefly humors this naming tradition by calling Fenrir's authority as [Ragnarok's Wolf]. Ren also calls Stella's authority by his own choosen name as [Friendship Ring] despite the protest of the original owner.

Known Authorities[]

Verethragna Authorities/Incarnations [Kusanagi Godou]:[]

  • Gale (Instant relocation to the person summoning him) [Godou Kusanagi]
  • Bull (Immense Strength) [Godou Kusanagi]
  • White Stallion (Summon a flaming horse bearing the power of the Sun or create a pseudo sun with diameter of 40~50 meters that release a solar flare.) [Godou Kusanagi]
  • Camel (Increases combat ability, leg strength, and grants extraordinary defense) [Godou Kusanagi]
  • Boar (Summons a giant Boar Divine Beast) [Godou Kusanagi]
  • Youth (Divine Protection via oral transfusion or blood ingestion) [Godou Kusanagi]
  • Raptor (LN) or Pheonix (anime) (God Speed) [Godou Kusanagi]
  • Ram (Self Resurrection. It should be noted that if the user dies before activating the Ram he/she will die regardless.) [Godou Kusanagi]
  • Goat (Control over Lightning, Priestly authority) [Godou Kusanagi]
  • Warrior (Golden God Slaying Sword) [Godou Kusanagi]
  • Godou's version can use two incarnations simultaneously albeit with an extreme headache.
  • Godou's version can combine two incarnations together to create new power.
  • Godou's version has activation conditions and limited usage twice per day(Twelve hours regenerating gap).

Verethragna Authorities/Incarnations [Veretharagna]:[]

  • Gale (Transforming into a gust of wind, instant teleportation to anywhere he wants) [Veretharagna]
  • Bull (Transforming into a giant golden bull with immense strength) [Veretharagna]
  • White Stallion (Transform into a gigantic white horse with power related to the sun) [Veretharagna]
  • Camel (Has yet to make an appearance, presumably transforming into camel ) [Veretharagna]
  • Boar (Transform into a giant Boar Divine Beast) [Verethragna]
  • Youth (Taking a form of fifteen-year-old youth, Granting divine blessing, Dominating and charming people's will) [Veretharagna]
  • Raptor (Transform into a fifty meters raptor capable of flying at high speed and creating a storm) [Veretharagna]
  • Ram (Self Resurrection.) [Veretharagna]
  • Goat (Control over Lightning in human form or transform into a giant goat that release lightning from its horns) [Veretharagna]
  • Warrior (Wield a god slaying golden sword or transform into a giant flying sword around fifty meters) [Veretharagna]
  • Veretharagna's version can be use at anytime with no conditions or limited usage per day.
  • Veretharagna can't use his avatars simultaneously or combine them together.
  • Veretharagna can access godspeed while activating [Warrior]. It's either his version grants godspeed or he has other authority that's not his incarnations that grants him godspeed.

Nemesis Authority:[]

  • Retribution of Nemesis (Causality manipulation, allowing Ren to reflect and stock all kind of attacks ranging from normal one to god's authority.)[Rokuhara Ren]

Tyr Authorities:[]

  • Sword of Tyr (Resurrects divine beasts under your control) [Uldin]

Behemoth Authorities:[]

  • Wandering Avarice (creates a twenty to thirty meter black sphere that attracts opponents, much like a black hole.)  one of [Black Prince Alex] authorities

Melusine Authorities:[]

  • Faceless Queen (Summons a winged giant woman with a mermaid's tail, and a covered face. Will be recalled if the face is seen.) [Black Prince Alex]

Phoebus/Apollo Authorities:[]

  • Legion of Hungry Wolves (Summon/Control wolf Divine Beasts) [Sasha Dejanstahl Voban]
    • Transform into a wolf warrior (possibly manifesting an Avatar)
      • Counter Solar Authorities

Osiris Authorities:[]

  • Cage of Dead Servants (traps the soul of one you have killed) [Sasha Dejanstahl Voban]
    • Dead Servant (Allows you to summon/control the soul of one trapped by Cage of Dead Servants)

Feng Bo, Yu Shi, and Lei Gong (Raikou) Authorities:[]

  • Sturm und Drang (control over Rain, Wind, and Thunder) [Sasha Dejanstahl Voban]

Nuadha Authorities:[]

  • Salvatori Doni Sword

    Ripping Silver Arm

    Ripping Arm of Silver:

 [Salvator Doni] Gives the user a silver right arm that imbues magical power into any blade making it a ridiculously sharp sword capable of cutting through most things. Upon encountering a substance that cannot be cut by the authority, the magical power in the blade increases sharply to meet the challenge. Hence, while it can cut through most things, any challenge to its domain will only serve to make it even more deadly.

Siegfried's Authorities:[]

  • Man of Steel:

[Salvatore Doni] Changes the user's body to one reminiscent of [True Steel], thus greatly increasing the body's toughness and stamina while granting near invincibility to physical forces. Salvatore Doni has shown that he can also freely change his mass (and by proxy, weight) while using this authority, letting him stand against almost any force. He has also demonstrated that this Authority can let the user turn their body into steel, enabling them to go into a temporary hibernation to let a Campione's natural recovery abilities work while his body remains invincible, as seen when Doni used it to escape the damage from Godou's [White Stallion]. However, its weakness lies in its ability to increase the user's mass, which pins the user in one place and allows for more effective attacks, as seen when Godou used the [White Stallion] to force Doni to increase his mass to stay in place while Erica's spell destroyed the ship they were on, sinking Doni to the bottom of the sea. Erica remarked that Doni had once had the same thing happen to him before, but he showed up a week after the incident in LA, having walked across the seabed.

Vulcan's Authorities:[]

  • [Return to Medieval Style]:

[Salvatore Doni] It appears that this authority restricts technology to the medieval age, thus rendering recent inventions like cell phones useless. It is represented by a board of wood while active; breaking the board is equivalent to deactivating the authority. It was hinted that this authority might also separate the effective area (area that the authority covers) from the rest of the world, thus trapping those within in a separate dimension of sorts when Doni used it to keep Erica and co. on Sardinia while Godou and Athena were witnessing the (re)birth of a dragon, and by extension, Perseus.

Athena / Medusa / Metis Authorities:[]

  • Control over owls
  • Summoning darkness
  • Death aura and spell words
  • Clairvoyance
  • Aegis Shield
  • Jet black scythe & bow, arrow
  • Serpent's Evil Eyes - Petrification
  • Control over snakes
  • Control over Earth

Perseus / Mithras Authorities:[]

  • Serpent Killing Words of Power
  • Sealing Authorities of anyone who was subservient to him in his aspect as Mithras
  • Summoning and controlling Pegasus
  • Transforming into light and moving quickly. Actual speed unknown.
  • Golden bow and arrows of light

Susanoo Authorities:[]

  • Ame no Murakumo no Tsurugi (Control Wind, also adsorb, convert, and redirect divine power) [Godou Kusanagi]
  • Blocks the Sun
  • Summons a Storm

Melqart Authorities:[]

  • Twin Clubs
    • Yagarish the Chaser
    • Ayamari the Driver
  • Insects
  • Herculean Strength
  • Summon army of dead from the underworld
  • Lighting
  • Control over sea

Ramiel Authorities:[]

  • Black Lightning (godspeed. Avatar allows transformation into lightning) [Black Prince]

Tezcatlipoca Authorities:[]

  • Metamorphosis [John Pluto Smith]
    • Archmage
    • Flames of Annihilation
    • Black Demonic Bird
    • Jaguar
    • John Pluto Smith (male form)

Artemis Authorities:[]

  • Artemis' Arrows (Magic bolts of white light with immense force. If six are used at the same time, stated to be able to destroy California.) [John Pluto Smith]

Furies/Erinyes Authorities:[]

  • Judging Furies (summons the Furies. Any damage, destruction, curses, or injuries witnessed by them will reflect on the person who caused it.) [Black Prince]

Minos Authorities:[]

  • The Labyrinth (sink self and enemy in underground maze, with complete awareness of interior, and ability to instantly travel anywhere within it) [Black Prince]

Vaisravana Authorities:[]

  • Water Dragon (Summons and Controls Water Dragons)
  • Ice Dragon (Summons and Controls Ice Dragons)

Prometheus Authorities:[]

  • Theft (Steal Divine Power and Authority from a Heretic God.)

Circe Authorities:[]

  • Hero Confinement (Steal the Authorities of heroes, and heroic gods.)

Vajrapani Authorities:[]

  • Divine Might of Vajrapani (Super Strength, summon giant avatars to aide, or defend) [Luo Hao]

Gayatri Authorities:[]

  • Dragon's Roar and Tiger's Howl (Wind Control) [Luo Hao]

Niamh Authorities:[]

  • Fairy's Corridor (Interdimensional/time travel portals) [Madame Aisha] Thought to be obtained from the faeries of Tir-na-nOg (Land of the Young)

Charm Authorities:[]

  • Charm or Curse. It is a charisma authority,  Able to coerce anyone  besides other godslayers.  Has the potential to create a cult   Was once used on Erica and Ena, and they didn't realize it was being used until they were far away from her. It is known that [Madame Aisha] stole this authority from a catholic saint but the specific name of the saint is not known.

Horatius Cocles Authorities:[]

  • Eyes of Sodom (transform a person into a salt statue) [Sasha Dejanstahl Voban] Once thought to be an Authority of Balor of the Evil Eye but that may not be the case, as it is hinted that it is the authority of the one-eyed war god Odin.

Noah Authorities:[]

  • Treasure Ship (summons Noah's Ark) [Luo Hao] Creates a magical ship on the same size as Noah's ark or a fleet of 100 ships that will take you to your destination without fail. The ship(s) manifested by this authority will receive a favorable condition on the sea such as a strong magical wind or moving compass.
